Warm greetings from Cavango!!!
Thank you to each one that has prayed for us, supported us, and encouraged us on this new journey!
We could not have done this without you!
Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from Him.
Truly He is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:2
The journey from our old home in the large city of Lubango to our new home in the remote village of Cavango consists of an 11 hour bumpy, jolting drive, more than half of which is on a narrow, rut-filled dirt/mud track through the middle of nowhere. In contemplating our journey to Cavango, I am struck by how similar this path is to our life’s journey, even when we are on the path that God has planned for us! Brief moments of smooth sailing interrupt the bumpy, rut and mud filled stretches. Flat tires stop us in our tracks. We sometimes look in all directions and feel alone and vulnerable. We ask ourselves whether we have taken a wrong turn. We wonder whether our destination is just around the next curve, or how long we will continue on this exhausting trip. If we look up from our circumstances for just a moment, though, we catch a glimpse of something else. We realize we are not alone; we are being led. If we listen closely, if we can shut out the other voices for a moment – the voices that want to distract, bring fear and doubt, accuse, confuse, steal our peace… we can hear another voice – The still, small voice. The voice that comes in love and peace. The voice that says, “I’m right here! Don’t focus on the bumps, the curves, the darkness, the vastness, the loneliness, the fear, the pain, the unknown… Keep your eyes on Me. Tune your ears to My voice, My Beloved!” Never once have we journeyed alone! Not only has He never left us, but He is guiding us with His LOVING eyes on us! |
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Our first couple of months in Cavango have been beautiful and challenging. We have discovered the rugged beauty of the nature and the incredible people that call the wilderness their home. We have likewise seen the utter hopelessness experienced by so many of these same people, who face fear and tragedy day after day, and don’t know that there is a loving Creator who longs to walk with them on their journey.
We are immensely blessed to be learning alongside Dr. Tim and Betsy Kubacki, who have graciously taken us under their wings. Please pray that we can represent the light and love of the Lord in our new community. There are so many that are living and dying without the hope that is found only in Him.
Glimpses of the Cavango Clinic, where Eduardo spends the majority of his days. Each day begins with prayer and a time of sharing. Pray that their words would penetrate the hearts of these precious lives, that they may know they are loved by their Creator, who gave His own Son so that they may have peace with Him.

De (not so) Little (but still) Delightful De Souza’s
The children have been troopers! Life over the past few months has been chaotic! Not only have they moved across the world, but they have moved again across the country. They had to say “Goodbye” to loved-ones in the U.S. and then say “Goodbye” again to loved-ones in Lubango. They have each faced their insecurities as they’ve tried to befriend children that see them as vastly strange and humorous.
The kids bravely faced all of the unknowns awaiting them in Cavango. Dr. Tim and Betsy had graciously agreed to give up their house for us. They had an annex built next door, which was not finished when we had to move to Cavango. For our first month in Cavango, both families and all of our stuff were together in one small house. The kids have worked hard, trying to help establish a homeschool, chore, and playtime routine which will free up Mom a bit to be able to spend time at the clinic.
On top of the incredible transition, we have faced sickness and struggles. All but two of us have had malaria at least once upon our return. We helplessly tried to assist Dad as he SUFFERED from a kidney stone in the bush.
Please keep them in your prayers as they face so many challenges!

Tiago’s Agricultural Project
Tiago: In preparing to move to Cavango, we realized that there was very little gardening and farming in the area. Malnutrition is a huge problem. My project may seem strange, but I am hoping to teach the people in Cavango how to raise chickens and grow fruits and vegetables to provide food for their families. I am building a large chicken coop (pictured below). Rows of vegetables will be planted in circles surrounding the coop. The chickens will reduce the number of plant-eating bugs, make fertilizer for the garden, and provide eggs and meat for hungry families.
![]() | Class of 2021! Mariano graduated from high-school on May 4th! Thank you to all who prayed for no more delays! If it were not for COVID, he would have graduated in November, 2020, but classes and graduation were postponed multiple times. Thank God, the day that sometimes seemed it would never arrive finally arrived! Please pray that the Lord would guide Mariano’s next steps! |
Praise Report:
- By God’s grace we overcame multiple obstacles on our journey from the US to Angola – negative COVID tests, documentation from Angola allowing our entry, last-minute passport for Cienna, etc.
- We have sensed the loving and sustaining presence of the Lord in the midst of all of the transition.
- We’ve been reunited with our Angolan son, Mariano, who successfully graduated from high-school on May 4th!
- The children are enjoying Cavango and are gradually building friendships.
Please Pray:
- That we would wholeheartedly seek the Lord and be filled to overflowing with the Spirit.
- For the children – that they would develop close relationships with the Lord. That they would form great friendships in Cavango and be welcomed into the community.
- For our health – we have faced much more sickness than usual in the past months. Pray that our bodies would adapt to the new environment.
- For the family, that we would do well at establishing routines that would allow for plenty of ministry and clinic time, while not neglecting time with God, family, homeschool, rest, etc.
How Can We Pray for You?
We would also like to keep you in our prayers.
Please let us know how we can be praying for you!
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3. Enter Missionary #044522
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With love from the De Souza Family – Serving in CAVANGO, ANGOLA, where we are privileged to share God’s love and the hope of the Good News in one of the places where it has been least heard! The Cavango clinic serves about 50 neighboring villages, which altogether have a population of about 30,000 people who are largely unreached with the Gospel and lack any other basic healthcare.
![]() | Our Mailing Address: 14512 Shoreline Ln. Lake Park, MN 56554 Facebook/Messenger: Eduardo De Souza Jocelyn Thompson de Souza Phone numbers/WhatsApp: Eduardo: +1 218-457-3577 Jocelyn: +1 218-298-4091 E-mail: eduardo.desouza@sim.org jocelyn.desouza@sim.org |